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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Ecologies of the Sacred: A Review of Valérie Loichot's Water Graves

...constrain the work of healing or moving beyond the unritual.5bell hooks, "Beyoncé's Lemonade is capitalist money-making at its best," in The Guardian, May 11, 2016, As bell hooks points...

Saints at the River and Selected Poems

...the gravestones leaned as if even the dead were listening. Three AM and the Stars Were Out   When the phone rings way too late for good news, just another...

The Civil War and Emancipation 150 Years On

...that states’ rights rather than slavery led to war—and younger people are more inclined than their elders to think this way, contradicting all that their textbooks tell them. Secession balls,...

Public Health in the US and Global South

...over the past two decades have meant that many of the health risks that affected the US South in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries plague the Global South in the...

Vernacular and Universal Prejudice

...acknowledged: say, the prejudice against blacks, Untouchables, gays, Muslims, Jews, conquered indigenous populations, recent immigrants, women, and other "minorities." It refers to calculated behavior that we sometimes condemn—when we notice...

Seneca Quarry

...the Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, 1790–1992. The ARC Identifier is 3025595, MLR Number A1 18. In all of my research, the 1823 federal...

North Carolina: A State of Shock

...right-wing think tanks and "public interest" propaganda outlets. After crushing a number of moderate North Carolina Republicans over the last ten years by funding their more conservative opponents, he gained...