Ecologies of the Sacred: A Review of Valérie Loichot's Water Graves
...Wata, the titular voudou figure who grants life and death to those lost at sea—also sanctify the victims of the violence their objects traverse. Through Julia Kristeva's notion of "muck,"...
Something True about Louisiana: HBO's True Detective and the Petrochemical America Aesthetic
...Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco; and Marc Selwyn Gallery, Los Angeles. First image of True Detective's title sequence, 2014, sequence by Antibody and Elastic. © HBO. If you have followed Southern...
Documenting Migrants: An Interview with Charles D. Thompson
...them first and, because it is a legal program, they aren't doing anything wrong. They are bringing H2A workers in with federal sanction and visas. None of the workers in...
University of Texas Press and Southern Spaces Katrina Bookshelf Series Collaboration
...was nearly emptied of life. If measured by the number of lives it claimed, Katrina does not qualify as the worst disaster in our history. But it was far and away...
The Makers of the Sacred Harp
...In the case of the “revival spiritual songs” that began to appear in great numbers in 1840s tunebooks, including The Sacred Harp, Steel speculates that some may have had their...
Still Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners and the Struggle over Black Lung Disease
...monthly payments can mean the difference between destitution and modest survival.4This estimate of the number of black lung beneficiaries is extrapolated from data on the number of claims filed each...
Lyle Saxon and the WPA Guide to New Orleans
...collected volumes as "his generation's 'finest contribution to American patriotism.'" And then there were the guides to major cities: New York and San Francisco, Chicago and Atlanta, to name but...
Just a number, Old Bryce Hospital Cemetery, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 2007
Mapping the "Big Minutes": Visualizing Sacred Harp's Geographic Coalescence and Expansion, 1995–2014
...this decentralized music culture. Minutes detail the name of each song leader, the page number(s) of song(s) each person led, the names of officers and committee members, these committees' reports,...
"It's Being Black and Poor": Race, Class, and Desegregation at Pebblebrook High a result of desegregation, only 37% of black students attended mostly black schools, by the year 2000, that number had grown to 69%, quickly approaching the 1968 numbers for...