LiFT Art Salon: Hammonds House
...the next planned stop on the Atlanta Beltline: the Westside. In addition to the Atlanta University Center (AUC), the Westside is home to several black cultural centers, including The Hammonds House Museum,...
Just a number, Old Bryce Hospital Cemetery, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 2007
Petrochemical America, Petrochemical Addiction exploration of Louisiana's hybrid infrastructure and a map correlating industrial spills, explosions, and purposeful releases of pollutants with population centers. These texts and images represent sophisticated and nuanced contributions...
Reckoning with Enslavement
...race, religion, law, science, and history and with myriad other prejudices, doctrines, sentiments, and myths. Georgetown College, Washington, D.C., ca. 1800. Engraving by Casimir Bohn. Courtesy of the Library of...
Haiti and the Fear of Insurrection: A Review of The Slaveholding Crisis
...Indies "likely inspired Gabriel [Prosser] and his fellow insurrectionists to secure emancipation through violence" (29). Like Washington and Louverture, Gabriel, when he led a slave rebellion in Richmond in 1800,...
A Woman's Work: Jim Crow Modernity and the Remaking of the Carceral State
...Than Death engendered a great deal of conversation among scholars in Black Studies. The buzz centered not just on its stellar cast of intellectuals but also on its formal qualities....
The Web of Cis-Atlantic History: A Review of Louisiana: Crossroads of the Atlantic World define that uniqueness as the result of the interaction between local particularity and a wider web of connections" (3). Louisiana, with its location in the geographic center of the...
Georgia Slavery, Georgia Freedom
...nonwhites from the record. Regardless of his singular focus, Jennison makes clear that by 1800, Georgia's conservative revolutionaries could broaden their perspective when confronted by the distressing message, reach, and...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Three teachers, as call-center phone operators, as auto-workers—we are the ones making the clothes that we and others wear! It is the work of our hands, and brains, and life,...
Southern Labor Studies Association Collaboration CV of each participant, contact information for each participant, and contact information for panel organizer. Please submit panels to both Jana Lipman at and Steve Striffler at