Stormy Banks and Sweet Rivers: A Sacred Harp Geography
...a limited number of tunes. Singing schools emerged to teach lay-persons the basics of reading and performing music. These schools operated independently of any congregation or denomination and were run...
Hyphenating Waters: A Review of Calypso Magnolia and Island People
...sons such as William Faulkner4"The emergence of William Faulkner as the centerpiece of narrowly focused notions of Southern identity seemed to crystallize the inward-looking aspect of the discipline" (5). and...
Roadside Architecture
...back seat, along with plenty of film, and start driving and looking, driving and looking.... I've been driving around the South for five years now, mostly on state and county...
A Real American Horror Story: On Steve McQueen's 12 Years a Slave
...Epps. Viewers numbed by years of cheap thrills need a film like this to remind them that horror is real and persistent, especially if you try to ignore it. About...
New Histories of Environmental Activism: A Review of Rethinking the American Environmental Movement
...would also allow for the cheaper transportation of fossil fuels, Spears argues that the NO DAPL protests were a great example of "an intersectional grassroots movement linking indigenous rights, climate...
The Tulip Quilt [ca 1880]
...the Spartanburg Herald on May 19, 1875, offered "Singer's celebrated sewing machines, the cheapest and the best sewing machine, for sale on easy terms." In the same issue, McK. Johnstone...
Somewhere Like Real Life: On Richard Linklater's Boyhood
...for cheap melodrama, but the point gets across: Mason loves and respects his father, but he isn't about to pretend that the past didn't play out the way it did...
Still Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners and the Struggle over Black Lung Disease
...monthly payments can mean the difference between destitution and modest survival.4This estimate of the number of black lung beneficiaries is extrapolated from data on the number of claims filed each...
Vernacular and Universal Prejudice
Introduction I begin an exploration of the history of prejudice by looking at the process of othering—or social and political distancing—that is a central part of the history of African...
An Excerpt from Inseparable: The Original Siamese Twins and Their Rendezvous with American History
...however, something unexpected happened. An African American named Brenda Ethridge stepped up to the microphone. She introduced herself as a descendant of Aunt Grace, the first slave owned by Chang...