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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Jim Crow Journeys: An Excerpt from Traveling Black

...Printer to the State, 1898), 110. Conditions in the station's colored waiting room were especially troubling to Black women passengers, whose race exempted them from the privileges usually accorded to...

Undoing the Voting Rights Act

...the statute five considerations that will be used primarily to disprove a violation. For instance, Alito lists the "size of the burden" as a consideration instead of "if a burden...

COVID-19: Lessons in Ignorance widely publicized instance, a National Football League Most Valuable Player invoked vaccine misinformation to justify his decision to remain unvaccinated.10Ken Belson and Emily Anthes, "Scientists Fight a New Source...

A Green Democratic Revolution

...demands. And with the new climatic regime, we are now witnessing new forms of articulation of the democratic ideal. For instance, several proposals have been made to re-signify the meaning...

"Miking" Against Covid in Bangladesh

...dealing with some local challenges. For instance, the acceptance level of popular theatre was lower among the conservative Muslim population and the shows were more difficult to organize in hard-to-reach...

Nannie's Stone: Commemoration and Resistance

...#367, is clearly May 11. Then, for William Teney's child, inverted double commas, indicating ditto, are given for the death date, which would seem to indicate May 11, whereas "our"...