Visions for Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba and the United States: Changing Minds and Models through Exchange's website: "While many islands in the Caribbean have poisoned or paved over their ecological riches on land and in the sea in pursuit of a growing tourist industry, Cuba's...
The Carolina Piedmont
...three children today stands reconstructed on its original Durham County, North Carolina, site. The houses of plain folk have rarely received such attention. The Bennetts were typical of Carolina Piedmont...
Backcountry Legends of a Minister's Death
...information—not a diary or journal or letter, not even a mention of them in anything but official records like deeds, probate files, and court minutes. Many of the gravestones they...
The Web of Cis-Atlantic History: A Review of Louisiana: Crossroads of the Atlantic World free people of color) living under and against such systems—carving out unique spaces, whether economic, cultural, or sexual, in which they exercised the very agency that colonial officials and...
Brown, Black, and White in Texas
...In Crystal City, the site of a major Mexican American struggle, blacks "comprised only 2 percent of the population, or less than two hundred people," Behnken explains. "Few blacks traveled...
North Carolina: A State of Shock
...there were symbolic victories. One proposal would have made Christianity the official religion of North Carolina.5Rowan County Defense of Religion Act of 2013, House Joint Resolution 2013-494 (in committee),
Mississippi Delta
...They practiced small-scale farming and took part in a commercial hunting economy with whites after their arrival around the turn of the nineteenth century. The Delta became officially open to...
Seeds of Rebellion in Plantation Fiction: Victor Séjour's "The Mulatto"
...States, but its location, Saint-Domingue (present-day Haiti) in the West Indies, is an important site of slavery and revolution in the African diaspora where plantation slaves experienced barbarous conditions eliciting...
Whatwuzit?: The 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics Reconsidered
...heat for hours to get into 'The Super Store,' a schlockery where you can buy the same official Olympic merchandise you can buy in the Kansas City airport. Speaking of...
Unhappy Trails in the Big Easy: Public Spaces and a Square Called Congo
...than the site where a new theater for the performing arts was poised to arise. That kind of racial condescension never set well with Armstrong, who couldn't find lodging in...