Mountaintop Removal in Central Appalachia valley fills. Once again, Kentucky suffered the largest loss with 281,347 acres. West Virginia lost 111,479 acres; Virginia, 42,629; and Tennessee, 3,017. The majority of these valley fills are...
Goin' to Chicago and African American "Great Migrations"
...Great Migration. Between 1916 and 1970, six million African Americans left the cotton fields and segregation of the rural South for northern, midwestern, and western cities, changing the American cultural...
CDC in the Pandemic's Wake
...Center, Los Angeles, CA, December 17, 2021. Photograph by Jae C. Hong. Courtesy of the Associated Press. SARS CoV-2 is not the first viral respiratory pathogen to emerge and spread...
The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi Emory dissertation, submitted in 1997. I had these really superb advisers: Mary Odem, Catherine Nickerson, and, of course, Allen Tullos was chair of my committee. Martin Duberman was an...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,'Who Do You Think Of?": Part One
...that which would rot away and be lost? Why was I being taught that any security I might ever have would be after I was dead? I was a child,...
Counterblast: How the Atlanta Temple Bombing Strengthened the Civil Rights Cause
...Surveillance Files, 1947–1980. Since African Americans were not human, according to the NSRP, miscegenation would result in an inferior mongrel race. Yet even though African Americans were a serious threat,...
Baptists and Witches: Multiple Jurisdictions in a Muskogee Creek Story
...Confederacy Be Sung Back Together?" "Summer Water and Shirley" By Durango Mendoza Originally published in Prairie Schooner, volume XL, number 3 (Fall 1966) It was in the summer that had...
Kara Walker's Blood Sugar: A Subtlety or the Marvelous Sugar Baby
...Healy, "Diabetes Belt: American South Gets More Health Notoriety," Los Angeles Times, March 8, 2011, accessed June 30, 2014, Exhibited at the decaying Domino Sugar Factory in Brooklyn from...
Hoboken Style: Meaning and Change in Okefenokee Sacred Harp Singing
...accessible to the festival audience: “Murillo’s Lesson” (#358, a secular song with text dating to the late 1700s), “Coronation” (#63, found in many Protestant hymnals as “All Hail the Power...
"We're Almost There": The Drive-By Truckers' Art of Place
...1976. Although the band’s most recent CD, Go-Go Boots—their tenth or eleventh album depending on how you count, and their second on ATO records—has three songs set in Los Angeles,...