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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition

...New Orleans—variants of the X-code left by searchers as they systematically covered the city, critically pertinent markings applied to visited houses and buildings. “Paint fades, archives endure,” reads a promotional...

The X-Codes: A Post-Katrina Postscript

...markings, 2007.   The location of the code on a building was often an indication of when in the progress of the flood a search had been conducted. A code...

Genres of Southern Literature

...for southern literature. This tradition is not without irony, given the other directive that has long governed southern literary study: the emphasis on promoting "internal" or a-historical, non-contingent readings of...

Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007

...discussion of 'southernness' sometimes engendered solidarity between southern and northern black youth, it also expressed divisions between these two groups. Within the context of rap, black southern participants often expressed...

The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance be remembered long after the fighting stopped."The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance" delves into the recorded past of a particularly fierce engagement between the United States and the...

Southwestern Humor: The Beginning of "Grit Lit"

Southwestern Humor Southwestern humor is perhaps the most intriguing of southern antebellum literary genres, for writers of this loose-knit "school," often contributors to sporting or gentlemen's magazines, abandoned the plantation...