Latinos, the American South, and the Future of US Race Relations USC that will explore changing race relations in the US South and Southwest About George Sanchez George Sanchez is Professor of History and American Studies and Ethnicity at the...
Mapping the Muggleheads: New Orleans and the Marijuana Menace, 1920–1930's users.11Between May 1923 and December 1929, the Times-Picayune published at least three hundred stories with references to marijuana, roughly one per week. The number of articles mentioning marijuana more...
Nascent Nations: A Review of Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South
...the midwestern and southwestern regions once controlled by Mississippian chiefdoms. He rejects the primacy of disease in the collapse of chiefdoms, instead using European traders’ accounts and limited archaeological evidence...
New Patterns of Segregation: Latino and African American Students in Metro Atlanta High Schools
...For example, researchers calculate the number of Latinos attending schools with more than 50% minority enrollments in district X divided by the total number of Latinos in school district X....
Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007
...particular place can only produce a limited number of marketable artists) and, to a lesser degree, speculative exploration (that going to obscure places might yield a novel interpretation of the...
"The Emblem of North American Fraternity": Opossums and Jim Crow Politics
...Democratic Redeemers as it sought, in its beginnings, to unite Blacks and poor whites. Populism was concentrated in the agrarian southern, southwestern, and midwestern states. Its leaders, as one historian...
Black Lives at Arlington National Cemetery: From Slavery to Segregation
...was a common situation throughout the antebellum South. Thomas Jefferson may be the most famous transgressor with Sally Hemings, but he had company. Historians place the number of mulattoes in...
"I Used That Katrina Water To Master My Flow": Rap Performance, Disaster, and Recovery in New Orleans
...loved ones as phones begin to work again have allowed everyone to breathe normally for the first time in a week. Outside the city, mandatory evacuations forced many to leave...
Segregation's New Geography: The Atlanta Metro Region, Race, and the Declining Prospects for Upward Mobility
...counties combined (250,885). The numbers of African American residents in "diversifying" Fayette, northern Fulton, and Gwinnett counties each approximately doubled over the course of the decade; the numbers in Henry...
Besieged Terrain
...The technique destroys forests, introduces heavy metals into drinking water, vastly increases erosion and flooding, and reduces the number of many species of birds, especially wood warblers, and other rare...