Cherokee Removal Scenes: Ellijay, Georgia, 1838
...removal began, and overstates the number of Cherokees sent from Fort Hetzel, the number removed from Gilmer County, and the number sent to Indian Territory. Incomplete narratives neglected the involvement...
Indians in the Family: Adoption and the Politics of Antebellum Expansion
...turns out, the transfer of McDonald's son to Dinsmoor's care was not unique. In the decades following the US Revolution, a number of American Indian women and men and elite US whites...
New Pasts: Historicizing Immigration, Race, and Place in the South
...also been highly uneven. Until Hurricane Katrina and the need for cheap immigrant labor to rebuild New Orleans, for instance, Louisiana had little Latino population growth. Within the historic “Black...
Slavery's Traces: In Search of Ashley's Sack
...named Rose, valued at $700. The full listing reads: Slave Cicero 1,000, slave Sophia 300, slave Jane 400 Slave Jack 800, slave Rose 700, slave David 800, old woman 100...
Spirits of the Landscape Rediscovered: Ras Michael Brown's African-Atlantic Cultures and the South Carolina Lowcountry
...the African-Atlantic—the geographical, cultural, and symbolic space linked by the dispersion of African-descended peoples across the Atlantic.2Although a number of studies reference African antecedents in their analysis of African American...
The Podcast and the Police: S‑Town and the Narrative Form of Southern Queerness
...viewer—short-circuit both homonormative assumptions about sexuality and gay identity and metronormative assumptions about sex and homophobia in the rural South. Anecdotally, I've heard from a goodly number of southern gay...
"Out long enough to be historic": Racialized Gay Space in Pre-Stonewall San Antonio
...River Parade in April of 1941. Throughout the forties and fifties, the River Walk featured a small sampling of restaurants, shops, and boating activities that drew in a fair number...
Geographies of Hope and Despair: Atlanta's African American, Latino, and White Day Laborers
...context, the growth of advanced producer services benefited only certain segments of the labor force, while increasing numbers joined the contingent workforce. Handsomely compensated financiers, technocrats, entrepreneurs, and other mid-to-upper-level...
Draining Paradise: A Tour of Salt Creek in St. Petersburg, Florida
...Harbor, just south of the city's previously moribund but now skyrocketing downtown. As one journeys southwest, going upstream, the creek services a working port (properties now eyed for luxury housing)....
Putting the Vernacular in Modernism: A Review of Edward Comentale's Sweet Air
...doubled, at once opening and closing, losing and then finding itself in its own cheap performance" (180). These kinds of juxtapositions are the crux of what Comentale identifies as "vernacular...