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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Farmland Blues: The Legacy of USDA Discrimination

...supervisor, he told Lu Ann Jones, had enormous power, and the supervisor or state office could overrule the committee. Wilson's tactics to discourage African American loans epitomized those throughout southern...

Southern Spaces: A Partial History

...Tullos, and Sarah Toton. Skinner: I was part of the picture when germinated, gelled, and launched. I worked as its founding managing editor from 2003–2007, and I supervised subsequent...

The Carolina Piedmont

...that connected mountains with coast. Faced with increasing white numbers and hostility, as well as the ravages of smallpox and the occupation of their familiar territory, natives desperately sought strategies...

The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi Emory dissertation, submitted in 1997. I had these really superb advisers: Mary Odem, Catherine Nickerson, and, of course, Allen Tullos was chair of my committee. Martin Duberman was an...