Spirits of the Landscape Rediscovered: Ras Michael Brown's African-Atlantic Cultures and the South Carolina Lowcountry
...the African-Atlantic—the geographical, cultural, and symbolic space linked by the dispersion of African-descended peoples across the Atlantic.2Although a number of studies reference African antecedents in their analysis of African American...
The Podcast and the Police: S‑Town and the Narrative Form of Southern Queerness
...viewer—short-circuit both homonormative assumptions about sexuality and gay identity and metronormative assumptions about sex and homophobia in the rural South. Anecdotally, I've heard from a goodly number of southern gay...
Separate and Unequal Schools: The Past Is Future
...no reliable data on the number of children with special needs enrolled in private schools. A small number were established to serve special needs students, but the vast majority do...
Black Lives at Arlington National Cemetery: From Slavery to Segregation
...was a common situation throughout the antebellum South. Thomas Jefferson may be the most famous transgressor with Sally Hemings, but he had company. Historians place the number of mulattoes in...
"I Used That Katrina Water To Master My Flow": Rap Performance, Disaster, and Recovery in New Orleans
...a global superstar. Big Freedia is a critical darling of bounce, New Orleans's dance-centric rap genre. Cash Money bling remains lodged in the pop culture psyche while Young Money, though...
A Well-Tied Knot: Atlanta's Mobility Crisis and the 2012 T-SPLOST Debate
...numbers, vetting projects, and trading horses in an effort that to longtime observers must have seemed a fool's errand. Competition, not collaboration, had long characterized metropolitan relationships and it wasn't...
Revisiting Flaherty's Louisiana Story
...income, but then switched to the less cinematically interesting (and for some critics, less symmetrically ironic) work of a telephone lineman because it paid better and was less dangerous. As...
The Shenandoah Valley
The Shenandoah Valley Edward Beyer, Digital Restoration of "Harper's Ferry from Jefferson Rock" from Album of Virginia: Illustrations of the Old Dominion, 1858. The Shenandoah Valley's history marks it as...
The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance
...of the Ohio, together numbered approximately one hundred thousand troops as they approached the city, but only about twenty-seven thousand of them fought in the Battle of Atlanta.11Woodworth, Nothing But...
Toxic Knowledge: A Review of Baptized in PCBs
...the town's industrial capacity and access to natural resources and cheap labor. As Spears notes, Anniston was founded as an experiment during Reconstruction and by the 1880s had been dubbed...