Putting the Hospital into Southern Hospitality
Review Slavery, Disease, and Suffering in the Southern Lowcountry, Cambridge University Press, 2011. In a few days, well before the first mosquito-killing frost reaches the South Carolina Lowcountry, I’ll head...
The Law and the Mississippi Basin: A Review of Mississippi River Tragedies
Review The present system of flood control in the Mississippi Valley is a compromise resulting from a long and complicated interplay among interest groups. The current solution to the problem...
The Bulletin—May 8, 2013
The Bulletin compiles news from in and around the US South. We hope these posts will provide space for lively discussion and debate regarding issues of importance to those living...
Struggle Against Disease and Discrimination: The Jesse Peel Papers
Southern Spaces is pairing with Emory University's Manuscript, Archives and Rare Books Library (MARBL) to publish short features on MARBL collections, events, and exhibits that tell the history of spaces...
Georgia Slavery, Georgia Freedom
Review From colonial founders' initial resistance to slavery to antebellum whites' embrace of it, Watson W. Jennison's Cultivating Race charts the first hundred years of Georgia's Anglo, African, and Native American...
Buffalo Mountain Windfarm, Anderson County, Tennessee, 2005
Janet Powell, Buffalo Mountain Windfarm, Anderson County, Tennessee, 2005. Located north of Oak Ridge and about thirty miles northwest of Knoxville, Buffalo Mountain Windfarm was built in the 2000s as...
McGirt v. Oklahoma: Implications of the 2020 Supreme Court Decision for Native America
...sided with the Confederacy. There were a disproportionate number of Creek leaders who had close ties to the Deep South: economic relationships, cultural influences, and, to some degree, plantation systems....
A Plague of Bulldozers: Celestine Sibley and Suburban Sprawl
...a significant number of African American fans, her depiction of Atlanta and her search for what Massey calls "a place-called-home" during times of dramatic social change is that of a...
The Vanished World of the New Orleans Longshoreman
...ship's deck, did not enter service until 1998. Although the net value of shipping continued to increase during this period due to trade in grain and petroleum, the number of...
Brown, Black, and White in Texas
...rights struggles occurred simultaneously. Despite repeated calls for cooperation and a number of examples of interethnic alliances, African Americans and Mexican Americans ultimately 'fought their own battles'" (2). Behnken examines...