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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Constructed Views: New Meets Old in Mid-South Cities

...attracted tourists the physical (visible) space seemed less complicated. These were places consciously designed to appeal to people unfamiliar with the city. Accumulated layers of the past seemed stripped away...

Roadside Architecture

...the buildings' outward appearance, and I find beauty in that—an almost Emersonian correspondence of principle and form. I showed many of these photographs to a curator a year or two...

Placeholder: Carolina Poems of Love and Labor

Readings Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "The Change." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Off Season." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Packin' Four Corner Nabs." Poem text....

Retelling Virginia's Migration History

Review Photographer unknown, Unidentified miners from southwest Virginia, 1930s. Courtesy of the Library of Virginia. Amid the current wave of anti-immigrant sentiment, numerous US cities and states are reexamining their...

Mother Jones: Back in Alabama

Blog post Mother Jones died ninety years ago, but she was back in Alabama this July. It was not her first visit to the state. She came to Birmingham and...


...Louisiana State University Press. What Travels With Us is the winner of the 2005 Weatherford Award from the Appalachian Studies Association and Berea College, as well as the Southern Independent...