New Digital Archive of Hiphop and Bounce Music in New Orleans but moves toward a physical reality), a community performance space, and a youth internship program. Viewing hip-hop and bounce music in New Orleans as expressive art forms worthy of...
Negotiating Black Identities the suburbs, Jack and Jill Part 7: Dr. Lacy compares a "spatial community" with an "imagined community" to show how the two suburbs approach race relations Maps Referenced: About...
Boll Weevil Monument, Enterprise, Alabama, 2010
The historical marker accompanying the statue reads: Boll Weevil Monument December 11, 1919 In profound appreciation of the Boll Weevil and what it has done as the Herald of Prosperity...
Tuscaloosa: Riversong
...the Rona Jaffe Foundation. Her work has appeared in The American Poetry Review, Black Issues Book Review, Ploughshares, Black Warrior Review, Brilliant Corners: A Journal of Jazz and Literature, Bum...
A Review of Lawrence N. Powell's The Accidental City: Improvising New Orleans
...The Mississippi River flows throughout The Accidental City. The river appealed to empire builders as an artery that could connect North America from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. New...
Naming Each Place
...and poetry as enduring art About Jericho Brown Jericho Brown's first book, Please, was published by New Issues in Poetry and Prose in 2008. His poems have appeared in many...
The Bulletin—January 29, 2013
...of Justice all approved Florida's 2012 redistricting plans, Florida's Second Judicial Circuit Court Judge Terry Lewis issued an order which denied a motion to dismiss a challenge to those plans...
Watching the Surface for a Sign
...University of Georgia Press in 2008. His poems have appeared in many magazines, including Poetry, Ploughshares, and The American Poetry Review, and his honors include fellowships from the National Endowment...
Submission Process
...research and quality of writing? Would the piece require a substantial amount of editing/reworking? Fit for the journal: Does the piece use a spatial approach to its subject? Does it...
Boarded-up homes in abandoned mining town, Twin Branch, West Virginia, 1938
This photograph from the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, FSA/OWI Black and White Negatives collection, taken in September 1938 by Marion Post Wolcott, carried the following caption: "Boarded-up...