Taming Southern Waters: Christopher J. Manganiello’s Southern Water, Southern Power
...Manganiello demonstrates, politically and economically powerful men pursued a vision of a modern, capitalist South predicated on developing rivers to produce cheap energy and promote economic growth well before TVA's...
Sapelo Island Flyover
...the only Gullah-Geechee population on any Georgia barrier island, reside today in the Hog Hammock community. Although shrinking in size, Hog Hammock retains a distinctive culture and features a revival...
Memphis by Hand: Creative Small-Business Advertising
Photo Essay Map of Memphis Neighborhoods (Base Map Data: US Census Bureau) Photographer's Statement While I didn't seek out hand-painted signs, I noticed their emergence as a pattern in my...
Natasha Trethewey Interviews Elizabeth Alexander
Interview with Natasha Trethewey Part 2: Alexander discusses growing up in NYC and Washington DC, DC as Upsouth, identifications with Blackness and southernness Part 3: Alexander discusses southernness and urban space, and...
Let Me Do My Thang: Rebirth Brass Band
The Medicalized Border and the Politics of Exclusion
...imperial medical intervention. A syndicate-owned cotton plantation in Mapimi, Mexico, had recruited over one hundred African American sharecroppers from Alabama to become "colonists," and relocate to Mexico to provide labor...
The Civil Rights Archive
Video Part 2: Dr. Patton explains the layout of Trenholm State's Civil Rights Archive and addresses obstacles she encountered...
Mourning Medgar: Justice, Aesthetics, and the Local
Presentation Part 2: Gwin explores temporal and spatial dimensions of mourning, posing questions of how to mourn and celebrate Evers Part 3: Gwin situates aesthetic and ethical responses from Baldwin,...
The Future of Slavery's Historical Spaces
...his compatriots took up arms against the United States in order to preserve a society based on slave labor and white supremacy. Stephanie Batiste-Bentham, an African American interpreter who worked...
Selma Bridge: Always Under Construction
...be "the president of all the people." But most of the people in this seventy-percent African American city demonstrated their solidarity by staying away. "McCain's policies unify us," said lawyer...