Grave of James D. Lynch, Greenwood Cemetery, Jackson, Mississippi, 2012
Tom Rankin, Grave of James D. Lynch, Greenwood Cemetery, Jackson, Mississippi, 2012. James D. Lynch (1839–1872) was the first African American to serve as the Secretary of State of Mississippi. Born...
Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in Native American Literature: A Panel Discussion terms of community building, a case that is especially evident if one watches presidential debates. Both the Republicans and Democrats will claim their guy won, often based on competing...
The Worst of Times: Children in Extreme Poverty in the South and Nation
...color—primarily African Americans and Hispanics. African American (43.4 percent) and Hispanic (34.4 percent) students make up 78 percent of the total enrollment of the one hundred school districts in the...
Retelling Virginia's Migration History
...“contrabands,” enslaved African Americans who crossed into the federal lines, 1862. Courtesy of the Library of Virginia. Homes Broadside, 1873. Courtesy of the Library of Virginia. The exhibit reveals...
Rose Library Highlights: Amos Kennedy, Jr.
...his archival holdings in the African American collections at Emory University's Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. Best known for artist books that narrate African American history in striking...
Desegregation, Delaware, and Civil Rights Liberalism: A Review of Brett Gadsden's Between North and South
...these pages is ideally suited for the reevaluation of civil rights liberalism that Gadsden promotes. Between North and South's focus on Delaware also allows for a critique of some facile...
Segregation's Habits and Horrors: The Photographs of O. N. Pruitt
...of photographs we think we know. Born on a farm in south central Mississippi, O. N. Pruitt came of age while Eastman Kodak was popularizing photography. The introduction of affordable...
Nascent Nations: A Review of Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South
...European dependence on Indian slaves provided by the Westos and Occaneechis, resulting in increased importation of African slaves. This shift from Indian to African labor also reduced the violence and...
Call for Submissions: Landscapes and Ecologies of the U.S. South Proposals due: January 31, 2011
...Ward, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2005. From Dorothy Moye's Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition. 400-600 word proposals should include: a description of the major ideas, arguments, and sources for the...
Aestheticizing a Political Debate: Can the Creek Confederacy Be Sung Back Together?
Aestheticizing a Political Debate: Can the Creek Confederacy Be Sung Back Together? Part 2: Womack analyzes Posey’s representation of the vexed relationships between Creeks and Freedmen in the Creek Confederacy...