Envisioning Faulkner and Southern Literature
...Her central interests include American literature and culture, gender studies, African-American literature, southern literature, and regional literature. She is the author of Edith Wharton's Letters from the Underworld: Fictions of...
Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia
...do what it should do: stand between citizens and the power of capital. It is difficult to find anything Appalachians have gained by voting for Republicans. Yet a majority in...
The Black Belt
...Geologically, the region lies within the Gulf South's Coastal Plain in a crescent some twenty to twenty-five miles wide that stretches from eastern, south-central Alabama into northwestern Mississippi. The unusually...
Academic Capitalism and Regional Planning: A Review of Shadows of a Sunbelt City
...already marginalized African American community. Around a thousand people were displaced, dozens of businesses shuttered, and overall racial segregation was intensified as most African Americans resettled in areas further east...
Plantation Romances and Slave Narratives: Symbiotic Genres
...works seem to have been unable to avoid using the form not only to promote their way of life but also to express their deep anxieties about it. Plantation Romances...
"Looking Back and Moving Forward": The Records of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference at Emory University's Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library
...However, the SCLC quickly expanded the scope of its mission to ending all forms of segregation through nonviolent direct action. The organization was central to much of the Civil Rights...
Interstate Road Project, Single-State History: Tammy Ingram's Look at the Dixie Highway
...Indianapolis automotive headlights manufacturer Carl Fisher, who had plowed his fortune into the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and later into promoting long-distance roads, including the earlier Lincoln Highway. The Dixie Highway—one...
Georgia Slavery, Georgia Freedom
Review From colonial founders' initial resistance to slavery to antebellum whites' embrace of it, Watson W. Jennison's Cultivating Race charts the first hundred years of Georgia's Anglo, African, and Native American...
Cultural Life in a "Chocolate City": A Review of Natalie Hopkinson's Go-Go Live
Review In Go-Go Live: The Musical Life and Death of a Chocolate City journalist and educator Natalie Hopkinson uses go-go—the ultra-local style of African American popular music that has dominated...
Gordon Parks at Atlanta's High Museum of Art
...rural Alabama, these images follow the daily activities of an extended African American family in their segregated, southern town. When they appeared as part of the Life photo essay "The...