The Supreme Court Is Overturning Brown v. Board of Education
...Education Betsy DeVos’s plan to spend billions of federal dollars on private school vouchers. Sign protesting Betsy DeVos at a rally, October 13, 2017. Photograph by Flickr user Backbone Campaign....
"Aint that Something?"
...include Silas House, Ann Pancake, Amy Greene, and David Joy, among many others. Appalachian authors of color including Nikky Finney, Crystal Wilkinson, Jacinda Townsend, and Frank X Walker dispel pervasive...
Good-Bye to All That?
...representation in the state house and senate moved back and forth between fairly conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans and there was considerable cross-party cooperation. Party affiliation by race in Pisgah...
Loving-Moonlight(ing): Cinema in the Breach
...intimacy in which viewers are invited to sit alongside. It is an image used in the film's promotion: Mildred sits in Richard's lap, holding his head close to her chest....
Georgia Slavery, Georgia Freedom Flickr user Jennifer Morrow. Creative Commons license CC BY 2.0. Reconsidering Georgia's racial dynamics between 1732 and 1803, Jennison depicts the English colony as a place shaped by class, and...
An Unlikely Bohemia: Athens, Georgia, in Reagan's America one—and went skinny-dipping. Sometimes people walked to a big Victorian house on Hill Street and danced to mixtapes in the hall between the rolled-back pocket doors until their clothes...
How I Shed My Skin teaching the worst lessons. There, racist discourse flowed between adults, between Sunday School and worship services, as well as mid-week meetings, at both the Baptist and Methodist churches he...
Ungesund: Yellow Fever, the Antebellum Gulf South, and German Immigration
...pales in comparison to states such as New York and Pennsylvania, as well as that of other slave states such as Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland. In fact, between 1850–1860 it...
Closer to the Ground: A Conversation with Ann Pancake
...the characters who use dialect as "less than" the writer, the reader, and the characters who don't use dialect. Or, one can use dialect in a culturally sensitive and less...
Putting the Vernacular in Modernism: A Review of Edward Comentale's Sweet Air
...between tradition and modernity, music and society. Sweet Air stands at the crossroads of several historiographical paths, including recent approaches in cultural studies and vernacular music history.1Comentale uses Josh Kun's...