Highlighting Charleston's African American History through the Lowcountry Digital History Initiative
...history projects about underrepresented race, class, gender, and labor histories in the South Carolina Lowcountry and the interconnected Atlantic World. This inclusive approach to Lowcountry history promotes greater awareness and audience...
Recording the Places of New Orleans Hip-hop through the NOLA Hip-hop and Bounce Archive
...Art in 2010 and includes over fifty photographic portraits and audio interviews with New Orleans rappers, DJs, producers, photographers, label owners, promoters, record store personnel, journalists, and other parties involved...
Mississippi Delta
...white settlement after Indian treaties between 1820 and 1832. One traveler in the 1820s, Paul Wilhelm, described a rich ecology, noting migratory birds, kingfishers, herons, ducks, eagles, and the soon-to-disappear...
Joshua McCarter Simpson's "To the White People of America" (1854)
...Photograph by unknown creator. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Image is in the public domain. A freeborn Black abolitionist from Ohio, Joshua McCarter Simpson opened his 1854 indictment of the hypocrisy...
The Black Civil Rights Movement on the Border
...for plaintiff because he did not derive his income from whites, because he regularly paid his poll tax, and because—unlike most blacks—he was a registered Democrat who could plausibly claim...
Whatwuzit?: The 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics Reconsidered
...Turner Field). Throughout the two weeks between the Opening and Closing Ceremonies on Sunday, August 4, the place and purpose of this patently international gathering was juxtaposed to the corporate...
Saints at the River and Selected Poems
...expeditions to me, thinking it's my job, not theirs, because I've done it so long I'm used to such nights, because old as I am I'll still do what they...
Cultural Life in a "Chocolate City": A Review of Natalie Hopkinson's Go-Go Live
Review In Go-Go Live: The Musical Life and Death of a Chocolate City journalist and educator Natalie Hopkinson uses go-go—the ultra-local style of African American popular music that has dominated...
African Americans in Atlanta: Adrienne Herndon, an Uncommon Woman
...of the new house they had been planning for some time. With Adrienne Herndon as architect and husband Alonzo as builder/contractor, a two-story Beaux Arts Classical house was erected adjacent...
Race, Capitalism, and the Rise and Fall of Black Beach Communities
...and the complex relationships between blacks and the land along waterfronts that range from the Potomac Flats in Washington, DC, through the Chesapeake Bay and Hampton Roads, down the Carolina...