Walking into History: The Beginning of School Desegregation in Nashville
...sent to a federal prison in Georgia in the spring of 1958, Kasper was usually in Tennessee but only rarely in custody. As a freelance provocateur, his services were in...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...lasted between forty-five minutes and two hours and were conducted between May 2007 and September 2008.10Trained graduate-student research assistants and I conducted the interviews, and participants provided informed consent beforehand....
Submission Guidelines
...all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of...
A Woman's Work: Jim Crow Modernity and the Remaking of the Carceral State
...Shunning talking heads, Jafa recorded audio and visual components separately and then paired them together during post-production. Such an approach allows for "an extended freedom in both sound and image"...
A Mess of Poke
...cultivate it and use the starch of the roots for tempura batter, tofu, noodles, and gelatinous confections.) I pull most of the poke plants up all summer long because otherwise...
Desegregation, Delaware, and Civil Rights Liberalism: A Review of Brett Gadsden's Between North and South
...of segregation as meaningful political, social, economic, and historical realities, but also in the distinctions between desegregation and integration (terms far too often used interchangeably). Because of his attention to...
Open Access Week: The HathiTrust Ruling and Fair Use
...copyright violation. The HathiTrust countered that their digitization project is fair use because it is intended to preserve print materials in perpetuity, give access to print-disabled readers as required by the...
Memphis: Cotton Fields, Cargo Planes, and Biotechnology
...plays a prominent role, not only because of the city's central east-west geographic location in the continental United States and its north-south location equidistant between Toronto, Canada, and Monterrey, Mexico,...
McGirt v. Oklahoma: Implications of the 2020 Supreme Court Decision for Native America
...two interests converge between the individual defendant and the tribe. I think it promotes what I teach: tribes are made up of individuals. What I was taught from my family...
Music and Mobility on the Streets of New Orleans: A Review of Roll with It
...parade, the band must move the crowd. The participatory nature of second lines "facilitates relations between people, providing a sense of place in which the social is enmeshed with the...