Inside the Jackson Tract: The Battle Over Peonage Labor Camps in Southern Alabama, 1906
...their presence did not necessarily invert or challenge white supremacist codes. In the Jackson Tract, black foremen served under the command of the white bosses who paid them to coerce...
Jim Crow Journeys: An Excerpt from Traveling Black
...trains, any shared coach was to be "divided by a partition, designated for the race to which such passenger belongs," while restaurants were subject to still more stringent regulations.19The Code...
Low-Wage Legacies, Race, and the Golden Chicken in Mississippi: Where Contemporary Immigration Meets African American Labor History
...through discourses around immigration and work, in recent decades relying upon tropes of the "immigrant work ethic," racially-coded language about "lazy" workers, and the socio-economic category of "labor shortages." We...
A Conversation with Digital Historians
...have two grindstones. One involves interfacing with a machine in ways that are sometimes difficult and tedious, much like archival work. Sometimes we are wrestling with code and how to...
Separate and Unequal Schools: The Past Is Future
...assisting mostly middle-class families but their analysis lumps together zip codes with median household incomes with those more than twice the state median. In Florida, Step Up for Students expanded...
"Aint that Something?"
Review Since the late nineteenth century, Appalachia has been exploited, sensationalized, or deeply romanticized across literature, art, and popular culture. The "local color" authors after the Civil War depicted stereotypes...
Bioregional Approach to Southern History: The Yazoo-Mississippi Delta
...deposits of sand, silt, clay, and calcareous sediments left by the shifting courses of meandering rivers. Within the Yazoo basin, shallow water frequently covered a sizable portion of the floodplain...
Enslaved Labor and Building the Smithsonian: Reading the Stones
...up the C & O Canal from the capital city. After extensive field research and laboratory tests on local stone deposits, geologist David Dale Owen, brother of Congressman Robert Dale...
Coalfield Generations: Health, Mining, and the Environment
...extraction and removal as trucks haul mined coal from mountaintop sites and deposit it on rail cars and barges leaving the region. The proximity of these operations to waterways highlights...
The Black Belt
...photographs from 1914 US Geological Survey “Cretaceous Deposits of the Eastern Gulf Region,” Selma, Alabama, ca. 1914. Image uploaded by Flickr user Internet Archive Book Images. Image is in the...