Aestheticizing a Political Debate: Can the Creek Confederacy Be Sung Back Together?
...writer, and teacher. He received an MA in English from South Dakota State University in 1991, and his PhD from the University of Oklahoma in 1995. He is the author...
Call for Submissions: Spatial Justice
...16, 2011, Hill, Sarah H. "Cherokee Removal Scenes: Elijay, Georgia, 1838." Southern Spaces, August 23, 2012, Kirpalani, Neeta and Emily Jackson. "Birth Right." Southern Spaces, January 12, 2010,
Psychiatry in the Wake: Racism and the Asylumed South
...of Southern History 84, no. 3 (August 2018): 579–614; Sharla Fett, Working Cures: Healing, Health and Power on Southern Slave Plantations (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002); Todd...
Wherein the South Differs from the North: Naming Persons, Naming Places, and the Need for Visionary Geographies
...Vechten," but it also includes a series of analytical-sounding pieces: "Wherein the South Differs from the North," "Wherein Iowa Differs from Kansas and Indiana," and "The Difference Between the Inhabitants...
Blues in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley
...Chattahoochee Valley within the context of the southeastern ecoregions, as reported by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Map by Stephanie Bryan, 2020. Courtesy of Southern Spaces. Blues scholar David Evans...
Southern Football, African American Athletes, and the Relative Decline of the Big Ten
...of African Americans from the South played football in the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), the Southeastern Conference (SEC), and the Southwest Conference (SWC), leaving the best African American high-school players...
"Beer, Prayer and Nellydrama": (Im)Possibilities in Max Vernon's The View UpStairs
...This name-calling queered the Reconstruction-era slur created by unreconstructed white southerners for northerners who descended upon the defeated South supposedly for personal gain.46Delery-Edwards, 63, 146–149. Closeted gay New Orleanians who...
An Excerpt from Inseparable: The Original Siamese Twins and Their Rendezvous with American History
...Southern whites of moderate means, who were oppressed by a small aristocracy of wealthy slaveholders. Title page of The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It, New York,...
Putting the Hospital into Southern Hospitality
Review Slavery, Disease, and Suffering in the Southern Lowcountry, Cambridge University Press, 2011. In a few days, well before the first mosquito-killing frost reaches the South Carolina Lowcountry, I’ll head...
Renewing Multimedia Scholarly Publishing: A Streamlined and Mobile-Friendly Design for Southern Spaces
...system. We look forward to making this toolkit for publishing multimedia journals available as a Drupal distribution this fall. The new front page of Southern Spaces. Screen capture courtesy of Southern Spaces....