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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Shaping a Southern Soundscape

Review As a scholar born in the US South who has spent much of my career teaching southern history, I have often longed for a moratorium on romanticized discussions of...

How I Shed My Skin

...racist points, over and over, with crude color-coded metaphors. Location of Jones County in North Carolina (top) and location of Pollocksville in Jones County, North Carolina (bottom). Maps by Southern Spaces, 2015. Faithfully reporting...

Born In Violent Conquest: A Review of Jacksonland

...compulsion to expand American territory. He made this portion of the southeast into "Jacksonland," beginning his lifelong project of turning Indian homelands into US possessions. John Ross to Andrew Jackson,...

Mapping Souths

...this discovery." See "The Position and Course of the South," DeBow's Review of the Southern and Western States 2.2 (February 1851): 231. In reality, if North and South formed two...