Separate and Unequal Schools: The Past Is Future
...; Casey Smith, “Indiana’s ‘school choice’ voucher program grew 20% last year—with more growth coming” Indiana Capital Chronicle, June 14, 2023, The remaining states with ESAs are Kansas, Ohio,...
Our Backward Revolution
...Reached the Breaking Point (New York: Crown, 2023); Steve Suitts, A War of Sections: How Deep South Political Suppression Shaped Voting Rights in America (Athens, Georgia: New South Books, 2024);...
Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition
...New Orleans—variants of the X-code left by searchers as they systematically covered the city, critically pertinent markings applied to visited houses and buildings. “Paint fades, archives endure,” reads a promotional...
Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007
...with slavery; a 'down-home' black South marked by distinctive speech and cultural practices; a sexually libidinous South; a rural, bucolic South; a lawless, criminal South; and a sophisticated urban South....
Indians in the Family: Adoption and the Politics of Antebellum Expansion
...adopted Southeast Indian sons effectively thwarted state and federal claims to their lands, so much so that Southern slaveholders advocated for the forced removal of Southeast Indian nations west of...
Dixie Destinations: Rereading Jonathan Daniels's A Southerner Discovers the South
...that he was merely reporting on "one man's South" seemed credible, and most readers accepted A Southerner Discovers the South in that spirit.7Daniels, A Southerner Discovers the South, 10. Reviewers praised...
Back to the Future: Mapping Workers Across the Global South
...Tashkent. In all, 130 companies from seventeen countries participated, among them Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, India, Italy, Russia, the United States, Turkey, Switzerland, France, the Czech Republic, South Korea,...
Genres of Southern Literature
...and Jacobs', South: Modern Southern Literature in its Cultural Setting). Heilman identified five features of the southern literary mind that made for distinctively "southern" texts based on analysis of what he...
Segregationists, Libertarians, and the Modern "School Choice" Movement
...News, February 3, 1955, 3; "South Carolina," Southern School News, March 3, 1955, 14; "South Carolina," Southern School News, July 1955, 4. Even bills proposing confrontational tactics, such as closing...
Religion and the US South
...Courtesy of Baylor University Libraries, Southern Baptist Convention Annuals. Screenshot by Southern Spaces. Southern religious leaders made a major contribution to promoting southern nationalism by the secession of major denominations. Well before...