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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

St. Augustine's "Slave Market": A Visual History

...years of planning and a 2009 amendment to a City Code that barred new monuments in the plaza celebrating historical events occurring after 1821.16David Nolan, interview with the author, March...

The Battle of Atlanta: History and Remembrance

...Lieutenant General John Bell Hood, commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee. Photographic print. Hood's leadership at Chickamauga won him a promotion to lieutenant general on February 11, 1864, and...

Religion and the US South

...evangelists, and congregational-based authority all promoted acceptance of Protestantism among the Cherokees and other Southeastern Indians. When the federal government forced removal of the Five Civilized Tribes to the Indian...

Good-Bye to All That?

...rights. From my perspective, neither of these Republican incumbents extensively campaigned. Lee McMinn (University of Texas graduate, retired Marine lieutenant colonel, Vietnam veteran/helicopter pilot with two graduate degrees and years...

Louisiana: Crossroads of the Atlantic World

...the various iterations of Lousiana's colonial slave codes, analyzing in rich, often imaginative detail, the aspirations and anxieties of authorities who attempted to construct and maintain categories of difference within...