"The Ohio River Was Not the River Jordan": A Review of Matthew Salafia's Slavery's Borderland
...most pronounced dividing line between North and South, and between freedom and slavery. It was, in fact, the nation's only physical boundary separating free from slave states. Matthew Salafia constructs...
Ungesund: Yellow Fever, the Antebellum Gulf South, and German Immigration
...pales in comparison to states such as New York and Pennsylvania, as well as that of other slave states such as Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland. In fact, between 1850–1860 it...
Six Degrees of Alan Lomax: A Review and Multimedia Excerpts
...and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: ‘Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!'" (1992, 105–6). As most commentary on...
An Oyster by Any Other Name
...fellow conspirators, tasting two thousand oysters from all along the Gulf Coast. It was the first symposium hosted by Foodways Texas, an organization dedicated to preserving, promoting, and celebrating the...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...lasted between forty-five minutes and two hours and were conducted between May 2007 and September 2008.10Trained graduate-student research assistants and I conducted the interviews, and participants provided informed consent beforehand....
New Pasts: Historicizing Immigration, Race, and Place in the South
...black oppression. Across the US South, immigrant-advocacy groups borrow heavily, sometimes directly, from a civil rights playbook, mapping the 2003 Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride onto the original Freedom Ride and...
"Out Yonder on the Road": Working Class Self-Representation and the 1939 Roadside Demonstration in Southeast Missouri
...Just as the Lord had freed Moses and the Israelites from Egyptian tyranny, so they would find their freedom now. "We also must make an exodus," he exclaimed. "It's history...
Mississippi: State of Confession
...Movement in American Memory (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2006). Chroniclers of the black freedom struggle have long sought to dispel the collective memory that undergirds what local state officials...
Hijacking Public Housing: A Review of New Deal Ruins
...our largest cities," such as Chicago, better served neoliberal policy agendas that privileged the market and increased privatization (2). As a result, despite the commission's recommendations that called for investment...
Music and Mobility on the Streets of New Orleans: A Review of Roll with It
...parade, the band must move the crowd. The participatory nature of second lines "facilitates relations between people, providing a sense of place in which the social is enmeshed with the...