A Conversation with Digital Historians
...that I didn’t even know were in the paper. This technique uncovered the relationship between Confederate nationalism and patriotism, and helped me to distinguish between the two. Patriotic and nationalistic...
Love and Death in Mississippi
...Zawadski case in my home state, I cannot help but ponder "to live with equal dignity." What is at stake in overturning "religious freedom" laws is more than the "freedom"...
Good-Bye to All That?
...by 1 percent in Transylvania County. Hagan's defeat could be blamed on the links between the senator and president Obama. As her opponent and the dark money supporting him said...
Visions for Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba and the United States: Changing Minds and Models through Exchange
...Cuban Democracy (Torricelli) Act and the 1996 Helms-Burton Act, which codified divisions between the nations and tightened the grip of the US economic embargo in an effort to force political...
The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi
...the family, what's happened since? Howard: The family came together, was made stronger, understood themselves better, and were better able to talk with each other. Roughly midway through The Joneses,...
The Border South
...free black Americans in the South. Over 55,000 blacks in Virginia were free in 1860, over 80,000 in Maryland, including over 25,000 in the city of Baltimore. Most free blacks...
A City Divided
...may not have occurred to whites to demand black residential segregation; after all, social codes and local and state ordinances controlled much of the interaction between whites and blacks already...
Cultivating Freedom: A Review of Bobby Smith’s Food Power Politics
...life. On the banks of the Mississippi between Coahoma and Sunflower counties, sits Bolivar County and the city of Mound Bayou. Founded in 1887 near Chickasaw burial grounds by a...
Latinos, the American South, and the Future of US Race Relations
...crossing the Ohio River to the North. The Ohio River was the border between the free states of the north and slavery states of the south. Even after crossing the...
Desegregation, Delaware, and Civil Rights Liberalism: A Review of Brett Gadsden's Between North and South
...of local studies within civil rights historiography in general. We are now some years past landmark publications such as Jeanne Theoharis and Komozi Woodard's Freedom North: Black Freedom Struggles Outside...