Southern Spaces, #TooFEW, and Wikipedia
...and updated articles related to the publication. Then we told that we were self-promoting and should stop; also some of our contributions were removed. As the managing editor at Southern...
Back to the Future: Mapping Workers Across the Global South
...and undergraduate studies in Black World Studies and the Women, Gender, and Sexualities Program. Her latest book is Looking South: Race, Gender, and the Transformation of Labor from Reconstruction to...
Putting the Vernacular in Modernism: A Review of Edward Comentale's Sweet Air
Review Edward Comentale's Sweet Air: Modernism, Regionalism, and American Popular Song is the latest work in a growing corpus of vernacular American music studies that seeks to understand the relationship...
A Woman's Work: Jim Crow Modernity and the Remaking of the Carceral State
...Black women destabilized hegemonic categories of crime and forged codes for living and navigating Jim Crow America. The blues became a vehicle through which "black women protected themselves from negative...
Georgia Slavery, Georgia Freedom
...rice planters for a slave-based plantation economy. Jennison unpacks Georgia's slave codes from 1755, 1765, and 1770 to demonstrate how a Savannah-based, Lowcountry elite eventually seized power. Jennison cautions, however,...
Inside Poor Monkey's
...that is often referred to as a "tin." It is windowless, but has three doors. The front sports several faded, hand-painted signs. One describes the dress code by saying "not...
"Beer, Prayer and Nellydrama": (Im)Possibilities in Max Vernon's The View UpStairs a building that failed to meet New Orleans fire codes.38Fieseler, Tinderbox, 183. When the pandemonium was over, thirty-two victims had perished, either immediately or in the following days as...
An Oyster by Any Other Name
...fellow conspirators, tasting two thousand oysters from all along the Gulf Coast. It was the first symposium hosted by Foodways Texas, an organization dedicated to preserving, promoting, and celebrating the...
All Roads Led from Rome: Facing the History of Cherokee Expulsion
...ferries, etc. delineated correctly and faithfully." The maps were atlases of opportunity for speculators and entrepreneurs. Enterprising Georgians promoted themselves as land appraisers, guides, innkeepers, attorneys, and merchandizers in the...
Music and Mobility on the Streets of New Orleans: A Review of Roll with It
...recounts how Association members promoted laws and zoning practices that shut down bars and blocked live music, leading to fewer venues for brass bands and other New Orleans musicians. The...