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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Starlit Screens: Preserving Place and Public at Drive-In Theaters

...a growing interest not just in maintaining existing theaters, but in constructing new ones.7"Drive-in Theater Search,",  Six of Alabama's ten drive-ins opened since 1996.8Calvin R. Trice, "Couple seek...

Revisiting Flaherty's Louisiana Story

...for the centrality of performance to documentary generally, and not, as Nichols has characterized it, as a recent or "post-modern" development.22Bill Nichols, Blurred Boundaries (Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1995): 92-106. To be...

Social Justice Environmentalism

...Indian Fishing Protests," New York Times, December 2, 1966, 69; Charles F. Wilkinson, Messages from Frank's Landing: A Story of Salmon, Treaties, and the Indian Way (Seattle: University of Washington...

North Carolina: A State of Shock

... There was also red meat for religious conservatives. During his 2012 campaign for governor, former Charlotte mayor Pat McCrory had promised to concentrate on promoting jobs while avoiding divisive...

How I Shed My Skin

Presentation and Review Civil rights narratives often empower and embolden, promoting faith in possibilities, hope for rectifying inequities. More sober assessments show that, though we've come a long way—thanks to...