Farmland Blues: The Legacy of USDA Discrimination
...discriminatory treatment of African Americans (and women, Indians, and Hispanics) is richly documented. A pattern emerged across the South in FHA offices during the 1950s and 1960s. Sometimes the supervisor...
A Plague of Bulldozers: Celestine Sibley and Suburban Sprawl
...them down, even going on a stake-out in New Orleans.20Sibley, Turned Funny, 258. The children had gone to live with Cricket's parents in Indiana and neither Mary nor Celestine saw them...
No Place To Be Displaced: Katrina Response and the Deep South's Political Economy
...people of color, and women. The extreme inequality in these states reflects a white southern legacy of a government/elite/corporate alliance that promoted slavery and the plantation system; post-slavery agricultural peonage;...
A Woman's Work: Jim Crow Modernity and the Remaking of the Carceral State
...Black women destabilized hegemonic categories of crime and forged codes for living and navigating Jim Crow America. The blues became a vehicle through which "black women protected themselves from negative...
Seeds of Rebellion in Plantation Fiction: Victor Séjour's "The Mulatto"
...for Zelia, colonial laws dictated that the slave must be blamed and executed for her master's injury.4Commenting on the Black Code and the kinds of punishment inflicted on slaves for...
Shades of Violence: Jim Crow Justice and Black Resistance in the Depression-Era South
...notes the role of US communists and allied labor radicals in promoting the argument, as the Southern Worker contended, that "the police, the courts, and the 'law enforcing' machinery are...
Low Country Travelers: An African American Car Club of Charleston County, South Carolina
...interest and decided to buy a car to restore. His original impulse was “to promote unity of the brothers.” Ancrum asked two men from each area of the county to...
The Digital Yoknapatawpha Project
...younger colleagues working towards tenure. Whether and how this type of work "counts" toward tenure and promotion are critical questions. How do we make the case for this work? For...
Somewhere Like Real Life: On Richard Linklater's Boyhood
...political football. Promotional infographic illustrating the making of Boyhood, 2014. © IFC Films. In times of economic crisis, many pundits and politicians choose to blame our problems on a degraded...
The Dispossessions of Appalachia: A Review of Ramp Hollow
...the 1960s and 1970s, activists promoted a related golden-age vision of egalitarian pastoralism in pre-industrial Appalachia, which they contrasted with the ugliness of strip mining, black lung disease, and other...