Music and Mobility on the Streets of New Orleans: A Review of Roll with It
...recounts how Association members promoted laws and zoning practices that shut down bars and blocked live music, leading to fewer venues for brass bands and other New Orleans musicians. The...
Patchwork Freedoms: Law, Slavery, and Race beyond Cuba's Plantations vast. A sample that captures the breadth of this field appears in Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra, Matt Childs, and James Sidbury, eds., The Black Urban Atlantic in the Age of the...
Jim Crow Journeys: An Excerpt from Traveling Black
...Stuff: Looking through the Window of a Jim Crow Train," New York Amsterdam News, November 13, 1943, 8B. The rudeness continued inside the Jim Crow car. "The conductor appropriates two...
Authorship in Africana Studies not usually considered in terms of radical art and certainly not in the UK. In Italy, "home of opera," it appeared that opera lovers could afford to be more...
The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi
...ever since. The Joneses promotional poster. Bunny Lake Films LLC, 2016. The documentary project spun out of my first book, Men Like That: A Southern Queer History, which began as...
The Carolina Piedmont
...of survival. The Catawba formed alliances and turned to trade with tribes further west. Many Cherokee, after efforts at openness in commercial and social contact, withdrew into the Appalachians in...
Emory University Team Launches Mobile Tour App for Historic Battle of Atlanta Sites
Confederate and Union troops in close combat, Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama, Atlanta, Georgia, 1886. Painting by the Atlanta Panorama Company. As the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Atlanta approaches,...
Public School Politics: A Review of The End of Consensus
...untangle this apparently growing unease—and the adjustments to student assignment approaches that inflamed the debate—from the dramatic population shifts occurring in Wake County at this time. Between the 1980 Census...
Vale of Amusements: Modernity, Technology, and Atlanta's Ponce de Leon Park, 1870–1920
..."a harbinger of mass culture" that helped bring about new codes of conduct as well as cross-racial relationships.3Kasson, 112. Kasson's history offers a relatively rosey view of amusement parks as...
The South as Foil: A Review of This Is Not Dixie
...racism, the vulnerability of blacks, and the brutality of the racial order" (1). He deploys a more capacious approach, encompassing sensational violence (lynchings, race riots, mobbing, killing-by-police, and homicides), threatened...