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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Three Poems and a Critique of Postracialism

...from the relatively small southern and eastern communities of Tuskegee and Harlem. Such a play between similarity and difference provides the animating tension of the poem. For instance, Great-Uncle Paul's...

Sea Changes in Personhood

...the threshold of citizenship" (16), being considered, for instance, as three-fifths of a person in the 1787 US Constitution (11). She links this disaggregation to the process of creolization, which,...

A Conversation with Digital Historians a particular field, like historical background so that, for instance, you can make sense of nineteenth-century language patterns. What I find interesting is that digital projects by necessity require...

Rereading Local Color: Bill Hardwig's Upon Provincialism

...regional writing outside of the context of its original publication and reception.1"Regional writing" is the received critical vocabulary for the literature Hardwig treats. See, for instance, Stephanie Foote's Regional Fictions:...

Wild Notes: A Review of Dawoud Bey’s Elegy

Introduction One night in the spring of 2006, I found myself on the edges of Richmond, Virginia’s Shockoe Bottom neighborhood with a group of reluctant adolescents from my church youth...

Open Educational Resources at Southern Spaces the history of slave labor in the construction of American universities and the Smithsonian; a review of artist Kara Walker's "Blood Sugar" installation; and a video presentation about how...