An Unlikely Bohemia: Athens, Georgia, in Reagan's America
...people found out when posters went up for "Pylon's Last Show" with opening act Love Tractor. The gig took place in a huge venue known more for its cheap drink...
Unhappy Trails in the Big Easy: Public Spaces and a Square Called Congo the turn of the last century was so forceful you could hear its blast from miles away—until he went insane and had to be institutionalized. The only thing missing...
"The Room that We're Able to Take Up": Forrest Lawson's Queer Aesthetic Part of the way my mind works is through connection: always seeing references and ways to synthesize because I think all works of art are ultimately in conversation with...
A Plague of Bulldozers: Celestine Sibley and Suburban Sprawl
...conceived of the two as separate geographical and metaphorical entities. The values and ways of life of each stood in contrast to one another, with the country particularly representing a...
Mountaintop Removal in Central Appalachia
...area and to the vast number of absentee landowners. Natural resource identification, mapping, and purchasing occurred as early as the eighteenth century, but these absentee holdings could not be fully...
The Joneses: Home Made in Mississippi
...South that he was performing as a one-man show. Johnson had experience in performance studies, and he was using his oral history narratives in that way, which I found very...
The Carolina Piedmont
...of the Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line Railway offered a direct route from New York to New Orleans and further shifted the region's orientation away from the Carolina coast. Cotton agriculture,...
Katrina + 5: An X-Code Exhibition
...Map by Richard Campanella. Originally published in Richard Campanella's Bienville's Dilemma: A Historical Geography of New Orleans (University of Louisiana Press, 2008). Campanella’s map of flood depths uses approximately the...
Putting the Vernacular in Modernism: A Review of Edward Comentale's Sweet Air
...romantic myths of origin and identity" while exploring its "inherent modernism" (7). By so doing, the author also veers away from traditional modernist studies which privilege urban life, print culture,...
Baptists and Witches: Multiple Jurisdictions in a Muskogee Creek Story
...Confederacy Be Sung Back Together?" "Summer Water and Shirley" By Durango Mendoza Originally published in Prairie Schooner, volume XL, number 3 (Fall 1966) It was in the summer that had...