Mapping the Muggleheads: New Orleans and the Marijuana Menace, 1920–1930
...Reprint from the Lindesmith Center (New York: Lindesmith Center, 1999), 43–44. The drug was marijuana.2Though usually spelled "marijuana" today, "marihuana" was the most common spelling in the United States during...
I-26, Corridor of Change
...about affecting social change. Using pictures as a tool for social change was my earliest motivation in photography, although my illusions about affecting change in anyone have evolved over the...
Residues of Border Control
...United States but also reflect the fate of those for whom the crossing meant imprisonment and deportation. Photographs taken at the border hint at the lives that migrants started in...
CDC in the Pandemic's Wake
...too little has changed three years later, even as CDC moves ahead with its latest—to date, largely upper echelon—reorganization.3Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "CDC Moving Forward Reorganization: A Notice...
Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the US South, 1997–2007
...places. Understanding the ways that place-based identities change within rap is of central importance.[/fn] Photograph of Atlanta’s Lil Jon & the East Side Boyz at a local landmark (Ichiban Records,...
Revisiting Flaherty's Louisiana Story
...a scene from Louisiana Story, Weeks Island, Louisiana, c. 1947. Courtesy of Standard Oil (New Jersey) Collection, Special Collections, University of Louisville. For the United States growing into its role...
Bioregional Approach to Southern History: The Yazoo-Mississippi Delta climate, vegetation, and landform as an aid to conservation problems. Regional differences were officially recognized in Robert G. Bailey's 1978 book, which divided the United States into 60 "ecoregions"...
Plantation Romances and Slave Narratives: Symbiotic Genres
.... . that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events . . . The Almighty...
Telling the Raymond Andrews Story: The Making of Somebody Else, Somewhere Else
...system that repressed them. Raymond served in the Korean War, the United States' first fully integrated war, and he was part of the Second Great Migration. He lived much of...
Uncovering Networks of (Mis)Communication in Early America and control of information was central to the way American Indians organized their worlds. While much would change with the arrival of Europeans, the foundations for early colonial relations...