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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Sacred Harp, "Poland Style"

...session of Camp Fasola Europe, held near Gdansk in northern Poland; and the first Poland Sacred Harp Convention, held in Warsaw. Like the Ireland Convention, these events exceeded organizers' expectations...

Atlanta’s Tumultuous Fifties Fifty Years Later

...examines how voter registration and Atlanta politics play into race relations and urban layout Part 4: Dr. McGrath discusses school desegregation, highlighting Georgia's Pupil Placement Laws and Atlanta civic organizations...

Southern SpacesΒ Recommends

Blog Post Eric Solomon, "Queer Intersections / Southern Spaces" series editor: I've been on a reading streak the past few months. Here are a few I recommend. In terms of...

John Yoshida in Arkansas, 1943

Essay In early 1943, John Yoshida escaped from the American concentration camp at Jerome, Arkansas.1This essay is adapted from John Howard, Concentration Camps on the Home Front: Japanese Americans in the...

Southwestern Humor: The Beginning of "Grit Lit"

Southwestern Humor Southwestern humor is perhaps the most intriguing of southern antebellum literary genres, for writers of this loose-knit "school," often contributors to sporting or gentlemen's magazines, abandoned the plantation...

The Border South

...the dangers of slavery's close quarters with freedom. The heated debates around the Fugitive Slave Laws in the 1850s gave political expression to the simple fact of the border--that it...