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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Call for Submissions: Queer Intersections / Southern Spaces consider includes (but is not limited to): Spaces and Identities​ Intersectionality, hybridity, identity: race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, regional identity, and class Migration narratives, globalization, queer diaspora, and spaces of...

Flit Lit in the Sweet Sunny South

...campus of a major university that pulls 60 percent of its student population from metro Atlanta, the most important city in the South. Three likely leaders of tomorrow." But I...

The State House Aflame 1833

Fire can burn brands on a slave's skin as he changes hands like cattle. And chattel slavery in a capital city is as old as fire and man. Milledgeville's no...

American and British Slave Trade Abolition in Perspective

American and British Slave Trade Abolition in Perspective Part 2: Davis discusses connections between enslaved African labor, trans-Atlantic trade, and emerging anti-slavery movements Part 3: Davis discusses three major factors...

A Field Guide to Northeast Alabama

A Field Guide to Northeast Alabama Jake Adam York reads the poem "Gone With the Wind." Jake Adam York reads the poem "At Cornwall Furnace." Jake Adam York reads the...

"Miking" Against Covid in Bangladesh

...COVID-19 at the height of the pandemic. "Miking" in Local Dialects Loudspeaker announcements broadcasting messages on vaccination in Cox's Bazar city, Bangladesh. Photograph courtesy of Abdullah Al Kafi. Playing health...

Country Music Scholar

...between “southern” and “American” music, addressing questions of authenticity and fusion Part 6: Malone discusses tensions between themes of rambling and rootedness in country music Part 7: Malone explores how contemporary country...