Confederate Literary Nationalism: Coleman Hutchison's Apples and Ashes
...effectively nurtured Confederate national identity by obscuring, even denying, the particularities of the local. Not so the occasional poetry appearing in Confederate newspapers, the subject of Hutchison's third chapter. This...
An Unflinching Look: An Interview with Photographer Benjamin Dimmitt
...because it was unusual to me. I'd never seen any place like it in Florida. In 2004 I started a new photographic project called Primitive Florida. I felt that I...
The Bulletin—March 5, 2013
The Bulletin compiles news from in and around the US South. We hope these posts will provide space for lively discussion and debate regarding issues of importance to those...
The Bulletin—March 20, 2013
The Bulletin compiles news from in and around the US South. We hope these posts will provide space for lively discussion and debate regarding issues of importance to those living...
The Bulletin—June 19, 2013
The Bulletin compiles news from in and around the US South. We hope these posts will provide space for lively discussion and debate regarding issues of importance to those living...
A Sleight of History: University of Alabama's Foster Auditorium
...and I became interested in Foster Auditorium while searching for a topic for our documentary filmmaking course at the University of Alabama. We both knew the story of George Wallace's...
Rose Library Highlights: Amos Kennedy, Jr.
Amos Kennedy Print, Kennedy and Sons Collection, Emory University Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. On March 15, 2016, acclaimed printmaker Amos Kennedy, Jr. participated in a public conversation about...
The Border South
...shape these states increasingly were understood and understood themselves as on the border. They contained various sub regions and economies, but all allowed and, indeed, promoted slavery. Virginia, for example,...
Rosa Snoddy's Handkerchief Quilt [ca 1905]
...familiar format of a pieced block. Originally made from silk and tie-dyed to create decorative patterns in red or blue, bandannas were among textiles imported from India in the eighteenth...
Tuscaloosa: Riversong
...on my songs. 2. DeSoto speaks I have seen him before all over the world. This Indian, this Tuscaloosa, this red man with the black name dares to think he...