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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Keywords for Southern Studies: An Introduction

...US South is neither solid nor exceptional. It lacks an essence (and therefore cannot be known in essentialist terms), a polity, and clearly defined boundaries. Such, at least, are some...

Slipping Boundaries: The Tenacity of Aaron Henry

...inequalities. His work also assesses differences as productive mechanisms of affiliation, identity, coalition, and struggle. Informed by queer, feminist, materialist, critical race, and spatial theory, his research and teaching are...

Packin' Four Corner Nabs

...arm, said, “Listen, you stick close to me when you go out back, they’re gonna get ya’.” Me, I follow suit down, shower up snack bar and closing fourteen, I’m...

Placeholder: Carolina Poems of Love and Labor

Readings Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "The Change." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Off Season." Poem text. Allison Hedge Coke reads her poem "Packin' Four Corner Nabs." Poem text....