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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Southern Spaces Recommends, October 2020

...the movie certainly embody it. Ellen Griffith Spears, editorial board: For fiction, there's the gripping tale of the global timber trade and the European conquest of eastern Canada and northern...


...Appalachian State, and East Carolina universities. A member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers, Morgan was inducted into the North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame in 2010. Born on October 3,...

Saints at the River and Selected Poems

...younger brother who till eat their picnic lunch. She is twelve years old and it is her school's Easter break. Her father has taken time off from his job and...


...the trees and lay the needle down gunning through the barricades and ROAD CLOSED signs and up the amputated ramp where the bridge should be, the bridge where you stood...

Making History

...with lentils, flash bombs, lo-fi, hi-speed. Somewhere is a petition I should be signing. Somewhere a parakeet is driving a tractor, and I am missing it. A pair of scissors...

Rosa Snoddy's Handkerchief Quilt [ca 1905]

...made a quilt, unlike any of the others in this collection, from nine identical red bandanna handkerchiefs. The printed handkerchief with its bright color and the agreeable design evokes the...

New Orleans, Louisiana images

New Orleans, Louisiana: Intersection of St. Louis and Royal, French Quarter Signs of the tourist trade are evident in the French Quarter, even in the early morning hours. College Boys,...