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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Stones and Shadows

...the plant bed is not positioned well. "Your sundial is keeping bad time," I tell my father. He smiles and says, "That's not what I got it for," pointing to...

Darkly bent in the diner's greasy light — as Mongtomery darkened beyond the window, each bus offering its insult or imagined slight — and planned to kill a man they'd...

Born In Violent Conquest: A Review of Jacksonland lawyer and land-speculator to military commander and national politician and details Ross's life as a Cherokee merchant, slave-owning planter, and tribal leader. Inskeep describes the state of Georgia's campaign...

Zircon a token from the planet's fiery birth. For zircons are almost as old as earth's creation in the conflagration from debris that formed the galaxies of suns. This tiny...

The Bulletin—July 2, 2013

...a mention from none other than Barack Obama. Governor Perry, however, planned to call a special session for another chance to eliminate abortion in the state of Texas, which is...

Atlanta's T-SPLOST Referendum and Atlanta Studies

Today Southern Spaces published Edward A. Hatfield's essay "A Well-Tied Knot: Atlanta's Mobility Crisis and the 2012 T-SPLOST Debate," which surveys the challenges of transportation planning in the Atlanta metro region...

The Bulletin—June 19, 2013

...face hardships if they seek abortions. As the Texas Tribune noted, the bill had a much higher chance of passing in a special session because Lt. Governor David Dewhurst planned "to suspend Senate...

2014 Phillis Wheatley Poetry Reading

...of Paula Vitaris in the Creative Writing Program, and especially the planning and organization carried out singlehandedly by the remarkable Sarita Alami to whom I owe the greatest of debts....