Writing Appalachia
...with the remarkable number of fine authors whose works had appeared since the book's publication, made that collection feel incomplete. Aware of those gaps, Higgs and Manning, along with scholar...
A Green Democratic Revolution
...majority. The survival of the planet and the conditions that make it habitable is an objective that concerns a great number of people as well as various movements with heterogeneous...
Geographies of Gardening: Ryan Gainey Discusses Figs
...(1993). He has served as mentor for a number of leading garden designers throughout the US South, including Sanchez. In the summer, Steve filmed a session with Gainey during which...
"Looking Back and Moving Forward": The Records of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference at Emory University's Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library
...Black and Poor Americans records, SCLC records, MARBL, Emory University. SCLC argued that traditional principles and tactics of nonviolent direct action could be successfully brought to bear under any number...
Segregation's Habits and Horrors: The Photographs of O. N. Pruitt
...24,771, all the while having an almost equal number of Black and white residents. The guidebook published by Mississippi's Federal Writers' Project in 1937 romanticized Columbus as "a comfortable old-tree...
Plantation Romances and Slave Narratives: Symbiotic Genres
.... . that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events . . . The Almighty...
Untitled Opening from Pinion: An Elegy
...weaves tight through the stalled warp of the hayrake. The house rises, vacant, the porch and front door lost behind a dense wall of privet I part and pass through....
Lyrics to Pretty Saro
...Ocoee, on the mount of said brow Where I once loved her dearly and I don't hate her now. Published: 15 April 2004 © 2004 Allen Tullos and Southern Spaces...
Self-Portrait at a Bend in the Road
...that silence would be lost, would be written over leaving the road a by-way, a dead end with a plaque where people hold photographs to the air so they can...
A Video Excerpt from The Well-Placed Weed: The Bountiful Life of Ryan Gainey
Video and Essay https://player.vimeo.com/video/269927353?byline=0&portrait=0 Ryan Gainey with cut flowers, Decatur, Georgia, ca. 1993. Photograph by David Schilling. Ryan Gainey (1944–2016) grew up in the Sandhills of South Carolina in the...