"Our Country"—Benjamin E. Wise's William Alexander Percy
...William Faulkner. Among a host of contributions to any number of scholarly debates, Wise's crisp and clear articulation of Percy's views of love and sexuality will attract the attention of...
...our website, updated our audio and video, and significantly expanded our readership. As an online journal working at the intersection of a number of scholarly disciplines, we find ourselves in...
Plantation Romances and Slave Narratives: Symbiotic Genres
.... . that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events . . . The Almighty...
The State House Aflame 1833
...agonizing solicitude. As he tears flaming shingles from the steep pitch white folks move official records, furniture, and money from under that roof to a safer place, safer than any...
History: The Parlor
...Compared with the Evins estate, the household inventory of Mary's maternal grandparents is much less detailed, but nonetheless revealing. When Silas Benson died in 1875, the officials conducting the inventory...
Gulf of Knowledge: The Hidden Scientific History of the Early American Southeast
...Yaolaychi's storytelling increased his status among Spanish officials and impeded their access to local mineral resources (104–116), Lamhatty's mapmaking facilitated British slave trading (61), and many Africans with natural and...
The Bulletin—May 15, 2012
...campaign against the amendment. Ballotopedia offers a helpful overview of the amendment and the groups campaigning on both sides of the issue. The North Carolina Board of Elections maps the official...
Demon Rum and Politics in Middle Florida: A Review of Southern Prohibition
...liquor retailers from trading with slaves. Increasingly, officials attempted to clamp down upon disorderly grog shops and "blind tigers" and replace them with more respectable drinking establishments. What was the...
Retelling Virginia's Migration History
...“negro.” This official action during the Jim Crow era resulted in the flight of many of the state’s Native Americans. Debra H. Rodman, Exhibition guest book, Library of Virginia,...
The Change
...to hold a six pack on ice. In the one hundred, fifteen degree summer heat with air so thick with moisture you drink as you breathe. Before the...