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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Image Credits

...Suit, Faceless Man. Painting by Sandy Solomon. 1950 Toni Home Perm Advert, April 5, 2011. Photograph by Flickr user Tiffany Terry. Creative Commons license CC BY 2.0. Batesville Casket Company...

Quilting Conversation

...assistant in Photography and Folk and Self-Taught Art at the High Museum and managed web design, publications, and other media initiatives at the Fraenkel Gallery in San Francisco. She is...

Keywords for Southern Studies: An Introduction

...pronouncements about the object or method of the field of study.1 The organization of this collection follows this logic. Although our section headings describe broad family resemblances between terms, neither...

Editorial Style Guide

...indicates an omission within a quoted sentence or between quoted sentences. Include a space before the first dot, between each dot, and after the last dot. If the first word...