Public School Politics: A Review of The End of Consensus
...(42, 47). As the numbers and voices of newer residents surpassed those of long-time residents, the diversity policy long understood as "fair and beneficial to children of all backgrounds" became...
Ireland’s First Sacred Harp Convention: “To Meet To Part No More” graduate school at the University of Illinois, attended a number of singings in his home state in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Encountering Wesleyan’s strong ethnomusicology program, Bruce...
Interstate Road Project, Single-State History: Tammy Ingram's Look at the Dixie Highway
...Indianapolis automotive headlights manufacturer Carl Fisher, who had plowed his fortune into the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and later into promoting long-distance roads, including the earlier Lincoln Highway. The Dixie Highway—one...
Nannie's Stone: Commemoration and Resistance
...north. Over the first half of the nineteenth century, the numbers of enslaved in the District of Columbia declined. By 1850 (when Nannie was two years old) 3,185 of the 13,746...
Sacred Harp, "Poland Style" on page 86, "Poland." This fortuitous image, spotted on the side of a taxi at the Gdansk airport signified for disembarking singers both the physical distance some of them...
The Digital Yoknapatawpha Project spots are categorized by page number and the user can specify a range of pages that will restrict the map's details and move through the events of those pages....
"Holding on to Those Who Can't Be Held": Reenacting a Lynching at Moore's Ford, Georgia
...encourage witnesses to come forth, bringing evidence that might contribute to successful prosecution of this six-decades-old cold case? Or does it undermine the work of racial healing and reconciliation undertaken...
Opening Remarks: 2014 Callaloo Conference effort to develop and establish means that perpetuate mutual respect; and mutual support for teaching and for the work, its production and publication An end to behavior, actions, or...
Middle Passage Ceremonies and Port Markers Project: Remembering Ancestors
...transatlantic slave trade, Eltis has been instrumental to this effort. Through information on the years, ships, numbers of captive Africans delivered, and embarkation and disembarkation locations obtained from Voyages, the...
End of the Pandemic? A Grassroots Perspective
...significant number of requests." Further, all members participate on a volunteer basis, spending much of our time otherwise as graduate students, teachers, doulas, herbalists, and nonprofit workers. Over the last two...