The Law and the Mississippi Basin: A Review of Mississippi River Tragedies
...continental United States. From their arrival on the banks of North America's greatest river and its tributaries, European and American settlers realized that economic development in the flood-prone region would...
The Bulletin—May 8, 2013
...chewing (meaning they cannot bite you), instead sucking nutrients from plant sap. To attract female cicadas, the males of the species congregate in trees to form a deafening chorus that can...
Struggle Against Disease and Discrimination: The Jesse Peel Papers
...The Camp Merton Chronicles. A multi-volume work self-published locally and named for his Atlanta home, Camp Merton, it depicts Peel's experiences from the 1970s to the 2000s. The Camp Merton...
The Seventeenth Southern Writers Symposium: September 19–20, 2003 at Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina
...address southern literature — the most important regional literature produced in twentieth-century America — I have tried here to flesh out one possible model of region in America, one possible...
Memphis by Hand: Creative Small-Business Advertising
...for charity, and exhibits including the "Women in Photography 20th Anniversary Tea Time Exhibit," "photo l.a. 2002" and "Photo Impact" in Los Angeles, and a two-woman exhibit at the Loft...
2014 Phillis Wheatley Poetry Reading
...a part of the Callaloo Conference, which we are hosting this year at Emory, an event that would not be possible without our many generous sponsors across campus, the work...
The Mobility of Faith: Cross Sections of Haitian Religion in Miami
...the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR), a Pentecostal movement that has heavily influenced the Catholic Church in Haiti.5The Catholic Charismatic Renewal, a direct result of Catholic encounter with Protestant Pentecostalism dates...
Three AM and the Stars Were Out
When the phone rings way too late for good news, just another farmer wanting me to lose half a night's sleep and drive some backcountry wash-out for miles, fix what...
The Civil War and Emancipation 150 Years On thinks they can. No integrated church service, concert, or program, no matter how powerful, can or should erase history. Skeptics of all political persuasions can easily cast every representation...
LiFT Art Salon: Hammonds House
...gave a concert in the Hammonds House courtyard. Over the course of the event, the performances came together in unexpected ways. In a recent interview, event coordinator Miriam Denard explained how the performers...