Wherein the South Differs from the North: Naming Persons, Naming Places, and the Need for Visionary Geographies
...are many Americans and there are there is a great deal of pleasure in knowing that not only do they differ from one another but that Iowa and California are...
Still under the Influence: The Bioregional Origins of the Hub City Writers Project
...not only great audiences (as Whitman said) but also great printers and publishers. The ideas of bioregionalism were relatively new at that point. Sam and Tree got their bioregionalism from...
A Conversation with Digital Historians
...purpose, content-agnostic software packages like Zotero and Omeka. We’ve used Omeka once or twice on different things, and that’s a great piece of software. It’s very easy to use and...
Katrina, One Year Later: Three Perspectives
...looks at the larger-scale Gulf Coast landscape in the wake of Katrina. He photographs in black-and-white with a 4x5-inch view camera, which requires great patience but yields extremely sharp and...
...Prodigal I. Once, I was a daughter of this place: daughter of Gwen, granddaughter of Leretta, great of Eugenia McGee. I was baptized in the church my great-aunt founded, behind...
Confederate Literary Nationalism: Coleman Hutchison's Apples and Ashes
...that literature unimportant. Quite the contrary. The paucity and transience of Confederate literature, he contends, is its great virtue as an object of study, for it "allows us to trace...
Has Historical GIS Arrived?: A Review of Toward Spatial Humanities
"When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?"
...at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she also received her education into the great liberation struggles of the 20th century through grass-roots organizing with women in the...
"Out Yonder on the Road": Working Class Self-Representation and the 1939 Roadside Demonstration in Southeast Missouri
...roadside demonstration were grassroots actors in what Jacquelyn Dowd Hall has called the Southern Front, "a radical coming together of art and politics during the Great Depression" that formed a...
Crossing Over: Sustainability, New Urbanism, and Gentrification in Austin, Texas
...should take a more direct approach to managing dislocation. What if it froze property taxes for qualified residents in areas undergoing rapid appreciation? Gentrification has greatly increased tax revenues on...