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Southern Spaces
A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Seneca Quarry

...The ARC Identifier is 3025595, MLR Number A1 18. Congratulations are in order for Professor Mark Auslander for publishing his well researched and excellent article, "Enslaved Labor and Building the...

Three Poems and a Critique of Postracialism the first president of African descent, and in doing so eradicated racism forever." Nominating himself as Secretary of Postracial Affairs, Whitehead promised to reimagine a number of pre-postracial cultural...

Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia

...SECTION 1. The United States shall create a series of commons communities, each designed to include a specified number of households within a larger landscape that will be managed by...

Vernacular and Universal Prejudice

...for immigrants from Mexico who have come to live, work, and die in the United States (in quite significant numbers even in military service, to which the American establishment readily...

Voting Rights, the Supreme Court, and the Persistence of Southern History

... Like opponents to Section 5, Roberts cited increases in black and Hispanic voter registration and in the number of elected officials as evidence of how much the South has...