Contesting the Roadways: The Moore's Ford Lynching Reenactment and a Confederate Flag Rally, July 25, 2015 join in the "witnessing" of the upcoming reenactment, to see with our own eyes the crimes committed upon the roadway. Two days later, drivers from Atlanta along Highway 138,...
Putting the Hospital into Southern Hospitality
...Lowcountry environment has devastating and lasting implications that stretch far beyond South Carolina. McCandless is quick to absorb and ponder the irony that the continent’s least healthy place swiftly became...
"This is Not Dixie:" The Imagined South, the Kansas Free State Narrative, and the Rhetoric of Racist Violence
...the expansion of slavery. . . Free State settlers had suffered like martyrs at the hands of Southern proslavers, whose marauding ways had inspired the national epithet Bleeding Kansas. But...
The Medicalized Border and the Politics of Exclusion
...common, fluid border in the geographic regions of South Texas and Northern Mexico. Rio Grande and Pecos Railway Company, Detail of a map of the Rio Grande and Pecos Railway...
Unquiet Emmett Till
...a threat to "the southern way of life" that they tortured and killed him? How could a Mississippi court exonerate them? The story haunts us still, and more important, it...
Mississippi Delta
...of cheap labor, on which Delta plantations depended. By 1910, tenants operated ninety-two percent of Delta farms, and ninety-five percent of those tenants were African American. New ethnic groups also...
Hearing the Call: The Cultural and Spiritual Journey of Rosemary McCombs Maxey
...and turned their eyes from the chalkboard, and United States history, to a Kafkaesque-sized cockroach making his (or her) way leisurely across the classroom floor, giant antennae twitching as it navigated...
Stormy Banks and Sweet Rivers: A Sacred Harp Geography
...a limited number of tunes. Singing schools emerged to teach lay-persons the basics of reading and performing music. These schools operated independently of any congregation or denomination and were run...
Sonic Zora in Florida
...mule tale retold breaks by the fourth verse onto another plane, away from the arrival of the "blue-eyed baby," the product of probable betrayal and potential racialized sexual violation, away...
Ramp Hollow: The Ordeal of Appalachia
...has an incentive to cut every last tree, shoot every last large-bodied mammal, and let his cattle graze every last acre of wild meadow, leaving nothing for anyone else. The...