Image Credits
...KQED, San Francisco, California, September 11, 1961. Screenshot by Eric Solomon, March 2018. Title screenshot from "The Homosexuals," originally aired CBS television, March 7, 1967. Screenshot by Eric Solomon, March 2018....
Wherein the South Differs from the North: Naming Persons, Naming Places, and the Need for Visionary Geographies natural to any one thinking that it is pleasant to be one.... Once in talking and saying that in America the best material is used in the cheapest things...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,'Who Do You Think Of?": Part One
...are interested in opening up the U.S. to their cars—and are getting a boost from the falling dollar, since they can sell cars produced in the U.S. cheaper than they...
Dixie Destinations: Rereading Jonathan Daniels's A Southerner Discovers the South
...the summer of 1938. By taking to the road, Daniels was following the lead of a number of writers who set out to see the United States in the midst...
James Holland, Riverkeeper: Environmental Protection along the Altamaha take, returning the rest to forage through the delta mud. The numbers in the coolers spoke: they were falling, 300 pounds, 225, 175. Every year they fell—he remembers 1,500...
Counterblast: How the Atlanta Temple Bombing Strengthened the Civil Rights Cause
...Once again, only a faulty fuse saved the synagogue.3Albert Vorspan to I. Cyrus Gordon, Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism, March 3, 1958, "Attempted Dynamiting of North Carolina Synagogues,"...
...from the car, take away the generator, the air conditioner, whatever there was to be had. He watched his phone for a signal, watched the sky for signs of a...
An Upcountry Legacy: Mary Black's Family Quilts
...devoted to ensuring that the names and relations of the makers would be remembered. The number of quilts and the care with which they were labeled suggests that she thought...
Transcript of "When I Say 'Steal,' Who Do You Think Of?": Part Two River Bend, Bibb County, on land seized from the Creek Nation during the so-called Indian Wars under Andrew Jackson. My great-grandfather Williams, whose daughter I'm named for, claimed his...
Toxic Knowledge: A Review of Baptized in PCBs
...the town's industrial capacity and access to natural resources and cheap labor. As Spears notes, Anniston was founded as an experiment during Reconstruction and by the 1880s had been dubbed...